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What is the "National Spatial Information Framework"?

The National Spatial Information Framework (NSIF)  is a national initiative to co-ordinate the development of infrastructure needed to support the utilization of spatial information in decision making .This building of a "Spatial Data Infrastructure" (abbreviated as SDI) as it is termed in similar endeavors all over the world, includes policies, institutional arrangements, developing human resources and standards for geographic information. 

There is a focus on developing mechanisms to improve access to existing information, avoid duplication in data collection and management and ensure that new data captured can be easily utilized together with existing geographic data, to enhance their collective values. In 1997, the department of Land Affairs established a component to co-ordinate the development of the NSIF. The intention is not to create a single central database, but to make it possible to link different databases, which are maintained by agencies, using common standards and protocols.




Geo-information-driven decision making, planning and service delivery, for an improved quality of life for all in South Africa.




Our mission is to provide the parameters for a coherent Spatial Data Infrastructure, characterized by:

  • The availability of relevant, reliable spatial information for planning, delivering services and the optimal allocation of resources;
  • The sharing, utilization and re-use of applicable spatial information, applications and organizational learning, without unnecessary and costly duplication of effort;
  • fostering regard for spatial information as an asset worthy of sound management;
  • the documentation and publishing of spatial data holdings
  • standardization to promote the interchange of spatial information and interoperability of information systems with a spatial component
  • the development and maintenance of user-friendly systems that will facilitate the discovery and retrieval of spatial datasets
  • the implementation of a policy framework which ensures the availability of accurate, well-maintained spatial information needed for effective and efficient governance
  • framing institutional arrangements which clearly define the custodial responsibilities needed to maintain and disseminate valuable information.





  • fostering regard for spatial information as an asset worthy of sound management;
  • the documentation and publishing of spatial data holdings
  • standardization to promote the interchange of spatial information and interoperability of information systems with a spatial component
  • the development and maintenance of user-friendly systems that will facilitate the discovery and retrieval of spatial datasets
  • the implementation of a policy framework which ensures the availability of accurate, well-maintained spatial information needed for effective and efficient governance

    framing institutional arrangements which clearly define the custodial responsibilities needed to maintain and disseminate valuable information.




    There are currently many initiatives in our country to develop GIS to enable information-driven governance and decision making.

    The NSIF is unique in that it aligns efforts to develop spatial data infrastructure that will enable the sharing and re-use of information, thereby producing savings through reducing the considerable cost involved in recapturing spatial data. Optimal benefit from the use of spatial information and GIS technology is obtained through integrating a variety of spatial data, possibly from disparate sources, for the purposes of spatial analysis and decision support. This allows for greater co-ordination and integration of government-driven projects, leading to more optimal allocation of scarce resources.

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